​Sanam Azeem Mrs. Pakistan International 2013

​Sanam Azeem 

Mrs. Pakistan International 2013

Sanam Azeem - Mrs. Pakistan International 2013

Sanam Azeem - Mrs. Pakistan International 2013

Sanam Azeem - Mrs. Pakistan International 2013

Sanam Azeem - Mrs. Pakistan International 2013

Sanam Azeem - Mrs. Pakistan International 2013

Sanam Azeem - Mrs. Pakistan International 2013

In company of our beautiful runner-ups, Rukhsana Hussain and Basma Adeel.  These women are incredible human beings.

In company of our beautiful runner-ups, Rukhsana Hussain and Basma Adeel.  These women are incredible human beings.

Thank You!

I wouldn't be here without the support of God, my family, friends, community and the Mrs. Pakistan International pageant.  Thank you, all.

The Pageant Experience

I'm humbled to be the very first Mrs. Pakistan International.  I'm grateful to the Mrs. Pakistan International's pageant Director and organizers that have created this opportunity for Pakistani married women that want to make a difference in this world.  Mrs. Pakistan International is part of the Mrs. International pageant, founded 26 years ago by Mrs. Mary Richardson.  

I didn't come from a pageant background, and I had no idea what to expect when I signed up for it.  This opportunity fell into my lap out of nowhere.  I got a call from someone saying I should try it out, and after discussing it with my husband, we both agreed to give it a shot.

 I started to encourage other married friends and family members to sign up, but most ladies were hesitant.  Some didn't have their husband's support, others didn't have their in-laws support. Some thought it was beneath them, while others thought they weren't good enough.  Some just didn't have anyone to watch their children and some simply couldn't afford the expense. Regardless, everyone had their reasons, except for the ones that showed up!  

The Mrs. Pakistan International finalists that were chosen out of all the contestants were simply ecstatic to be there.  We were proud to simply be present.  We felt like we won before the pageant even began.  We felt like we made a difference by simply showing up - and it was true.  We made history. This was after all, the first Mrs. Pakistan International pageant, ever.  

Pageant for married women? Who knew!

Many of you are curious about what it's like for married women with children to be in a pageant.  For me, the Mrs. Pakistan International pageant experience was incredible and very different from the perception many people have about pageants.  Most people only see what happens on stage, the real pageant takes place behind the scenes.

 Contestants have to be poised, graceful, alert and focused every single moment of the preparations.  They have to follow directions,  learn how to walk, speak, balance the nerves, rehearse, retain a lot of information, time their interview responses and keep that smile on stage no matter how badly those shoes hurt.  If you ever thought, "this stuff is for flakes," you're in for a surprise.  You have to be smart to be in a pageant.  Plain and simple - smart.

You find yourself in a room with mature, sound, successful, intelligent and beautiful women that have already made a mark in this world and are just there to expand their horizons and inspire others to do the same.   These women quickly become your friends, and then you have to compete with them.  It's a friendly challenge and a healthy competition.

You feel their anxiety and excitement, and you instantly form an emotional bond after you realize how much you are alike.  These women are mothers, wives, working professionals, home-makers and entrepreneurs.  They deal with the everyday realities of life, just like all other mothers and wives, any where else in the world.  

Between rehearsals and during lunch breaks we sat and talked about childbirth and stretch marks, illnesses and spouses, children and in-laws, shoes and shopping, work, home and everything in between. Like I said, it's very different from the TV version of pageants. 

And it's very difficult to feel anything but love and respect for these contestants.

If you've ever been on an interview, imagine being timed on your responses and speaking to five different people one after another.  It was a very exciting experience - but it sounds scary doesn't it?  Then why would someone put themselves through this?  Simple.  You grow so much as a person experiencing each and every one of these moments.  

You learn to manage yourself, stay composed and calm, all while your mind is racing 100mph.  You're interviewing with multiple judges while the clock is ticking and you're wondering if they like your answer.  And what is the right answer, you ask?  Who knows! They're pretty good at keeping a straight face.  If you like a good challenge and you like to learn from your experiences, this is the best thing you can do.    

You are happy, excited, emotional, cautious, friendly, relaxed, energetic, tired and nervous, all at the same time. It was two days of rainbow of emotions that you just don't get to experience unless you're in the Mrs. Pakistan International pageant.

Want to be a contestant next year?

 Go for it! It's a win-win situation. It's worth trying out just to go through the rainbow of mental, physical and emotional experiences.  And it's a great opportunity to get yourself out of your shell.  Make new friends, promote your platform, get your hair and make-up done, wear pretty clothes, live a little and leave those pesky mental blocks you've created behind.

It feels surreal even as you're going through it, you wonder why on earth you signed up for this, and at the same time you don't want it any other way.  It's a great learning experience, one you'll never forget.  

 Most of all, it's an opportunity for you to speak about your passion, cause or your platform.  And believe me, you'll be well versed in what you're passionate about by the time it's all over.  It's so worth it.  

You made a winning decision

Sure, there's only one Queen, but everyone is a winner. You won when you made a decision to step out of your comfort zone and try something new.  You won when you chose a meaningful platform that you're genuinely passionate about and you have decided to promote it with or without the crown.  You won when you refused to come up with an excuse about your age, weight, height, body type, skin condition or other excuses that people will come up with to talk themselves out of trying.  

You won, when you made it through the initial screening, you prepared yourself, you put the time and effort in and you spoke about your platform intelligently.  No one can take that away from you. You won, because you inspired others to participate next year.  

Don't be afraid to try, fear is just not a good reason. Go raise awareness for your cause, because it's what you wanted to do all along. You don't need a crown to  work on your passion. That said, having a title does make it easier to spread the word.  

A Pageant for Many

Not from Pakistan?  You don't have to be!  The Mrs. International pageant has contestants from many countries and states. Check out their website and look up your country or state, then contact the designated director to apply!